New Tech Teacher? I Understand You

If you teach technology, it’s likely you’re a geek. Even if you didn’t start out that way–say, you used to be a first grade teacher and suddenly your Admin in their infinite wisdom, moved you to the tech lab–you became a geek. You morphed into the go-to person for tech problems, computer quirks, crashes and freezes.

Overnight, your colleagues assumed you received an upload of data that allowed you to Know the answers to their every techie question. It didn’t matter that yesterday, you were one of them. Now, you are on a pedestal, their necks craned upward as they ask you, How do I get the Smartscreen to work? or We need the microphones working for a lesson I’m starting in three minutes. Can you please-please-please fix them?

Celebrate your cheeky geekiness. Flaunt it for students and colleagues. Play Minecraft. That’s you now–you are sharp, quick-thinking. You tingle when you see an iPad. You wear a flash drive like jewelry. The first thing you do when you get to school is check your email

It’s OK. Here at Ask a Tech Teacher, we understand. The readers understand. You’re at home. To honor you, we’ve created two posters to proudly display on your classroom wall. They provide more ways to get your geek fully on as you go through your day.

Any questions? Email me at I’m here for you.

geek humorgeek

Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-8 technology for 15 years. She is the editor of a K-8 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum, and creator of technology training books for how to integrate technology in education. She is webmaster for six blogs, CSG Master Teacher, an Amazon Vine Voice book reviewer, Editorial Review Board member for Journal for Computing Teachers, Cisco guest blogger, a columnist for, IMS tech expert, and a weekly contributor to TeachHUB. Currently, she’s editing a techno-thriller that should be out to publishers next summer.

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5 thoughts on “New Tech Teacher? I Understand You

  1. Carr, Lori A.

    I love all of your tech tips. I’m moving from a k-2 tech teacher to a middle school tech facilitator. So, I was wondering if you had any tips, advice, etc.

    Thank you,


    • They are so different. In a wonderful way. I’d look at flipping the classroom, BYOD (if that’s feasible), gamifying classes with Alice and Minecraft, using simulations, co-teaching with subject teachers (if they don’t know enough tech to teach on their own). This article has more ideas for you. I also just edited a 7/8 curriculum–I don’t know if that’s the direction you’re going, but both books have a lot of subject-specific tech projects that might be useful. The links have free previews you can download.

      Any specific questions?


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