lmsLearning Management Systems

Updated 9-25-19

  1. Alma
  2. Beneylu–a student-focused, walled learning environment where students can learn
  3. Brightspace
  4. Buncee–free trail; multimedia lessons on a shared digital canvas
  5. Canvas
  6. Cikumas
  7. Cloudschool–free LMS
  8. Echo
  9. EdHitch
  10. Edmodo–popular, free to start with fee upgrades
  11. Engrade–an LMS that includes a gradebook
  12. Freshgrade–easily keep parents UTD on student assessment
  13. Google Classroom–only for GAFE schools
  14. Hapara Teacher Dashboard
  15. Instructure
  16. iSpring — downloadable LMS
  17. itslearning
  18. Joomla
  19. JupiterEd
  20. Moodle–Open Source, free (but requires customizing)
  21. Otus
  22. PowerSchool–by Pearson
  23. Schoology
  24. Seesaw–student-driven digital portfolios
  25. Softchalk–create digital lessons and share


  1. Alma
  2. Genesis
  3. Infinite Campus
  4. LittleSIS
  5. PowerSchool–by Pearson
  6. Renweb
  7. Skyward
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