Video Creation (video)

Updated 9-23-19

  1. Adobe Spark–suite of free tools for creating images, videos, and simple web pages; quick; great for Chromebooks
  2. Animaker
  3. Animoto
  4. EdPuzzle–edit, quizzify, and add your voice to any video
  5. Explain Everything–turn multimedia slides into a movie
  6. Go animate
  7. Jing
  8. Moovly–free or fee, animated videos
  9. Periscope–live stream videos from your classroom
  10. PlayPosit–interactive videos
  11. Spark video — works on Chromebooks and iOS; add personal narrative, images. Use a story template or start from scratch; creates as slides
  12. Vialogues–create or upload video, add comments, have a conversation, embed
  13. Vimeo
  14. Voki
  15. WeVideo–collaborative; record on mobile devices; edit on desktop; works great on Chromebooks
  16. Wideo–create videos online

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