Reading Resources (Reading)

Updated 10-24-19

  1. Audio books—free—Project Gutenberg
  2. Biblionasium–curate independent book reading lists
  3. CommonLit–make reading interactive with classes, questions, and more
  4. Curriculet–embed questions, quizzes, annotations into reading text; includes library of books (somewhat like Subtext)/ fee
  5. Free eBooks–classic and contemporary
  6. Great Reading Games–national reading competition sponsored by Reading Ally
  7. Inanimate Alice–ongoing digital novel, an interactive multimodal fiction, relating the experiences of Alice and her imaginary digital friend
  8. Learning Ally–online books read by people!
  9. MackinVia–manage and share reading resources
  10. Readorium
  11. Rewordify–rewrite text to suit different reading levels
  12. Snap! Learning–promotes close reading and guided reading

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