Financial Literacy

Updated 8-24-19

  1. Banzai–financial literacy (free) online program
  2. BizKids–games to teach business and finance
  3. Budget Challenge–for HS and college
  4. Cash Crunch–games for youngers and olders (HS and college)
  5. Financial Football–as fun as it sounds
  6. Financial Literacy Quizzes–in a variety of financial topics for high schoolers
  7. Gen I Revolution
  8. H&R Block Budget Challenge game
  9. Life on Minimum Wage (a game–through TpT but free)
  10. Living Wage–what’s it cost to survive–by state, cities, counties
  11. Personal Finance for MS
  12. Personal Finance Lab–stock market game
  13. Practical Money Skills
  14. Spent


  1. EverFi–course in financial literacy for high schoolers
  2. Financial Literacy for High School Students–a course
  3. General Financial Literacy Course–an online course in meeting financial literacy needs
  4. Next Gen Personal Finance

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