Coding (HS)

Updated 9-22-19

  1. Animatron–design and publish animated and interactive content that plays everywhere, from desktop computers to mobile devices.coding
  2. Build a website–a guide
  3. Chrome Experiments–geeky experimentation with programming
  4. I like programming video
  5. Kodu—game programming
  6. Learn to code
  7. Minecraft coding mod
  8. Pivot Stickfigure Animator–free, download, powerful, with a cult following
  9. Robby Leonardi–programmer–a game played about programming in the style of Mario
  10. Roboblockly–to teach coding and math, from UCDavis
  11. Stencyl–build games without coding with downloaded software
  12. Stickman–draw a stick figure and the site animates it
  13. Symbaloo collection for coding
  14. TED Talk on young programmers

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