Holiday Websites

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  1. 12 Days of Christmas1268385_easter_eggs__3
  2. Earth Day—Breathing Earth
  3. Earth Day—NASA Ocean Currents
  4. Groundhog Day
  5. Holiday collection
  6. NORAD Santa
  7. Online/Offline Thanksgiving activities
  8. Starfall–Silly Turkey
  9. Thanksgiving activities
  10. Thanksgiving edu-websites–CybraryMan
  11. Thanksgiving Games
  12. Thanksgiving games–Quia
  13. Thanksgiving information–history, more
  14. Thanksgiving Jigsaw
  15. Thanksgiving Jigsaw II
  16. Thanksgiving Lesson Plans
  17. Thanksgiving Online Coloring Book
  18. Thanksgiving Tic-tac-toe
  19. Thanksgiving video–Brainpop
  20. Thanksgiving Webquest
  21. Thanksgiving Wordsearch
  22. The First Thanksgiving
  23. Valentine Sudoku
  24. Valentine mouse skills
  25. Line up the hearts
  26. Dress up the heart
  27. Valentine unscramble
  28. Valentine typing
  29. Valentine puppy jigsaw
  30. Valentine drag-and-drop
  31. Valentine match
  32. Valentine tic-tac-toe
  33. Valentine projects from Winter Wonderland
  34. Write in a heart
  35. More heart writing
  36. ‘I love you’ in languages Afrikaans to Zulu
  37. Valentine’s Day apps
  38. Valentine Day games and stories
  39. Valentine coloring book
  40. Valentine Day poem generator
  41. Valentine rebuses
  42. Valentine rebus game
  43. Varied Thanksgiving websites
  44. You are the historian–Thanksgiving

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