14 Great Virtual Field Trips

walk through a forest

I have searched long and hard for the type of virtual tour that immerses you in the environment. They’re harder to find than you’d think. Lots of sites promise ‘virtual tours’ and deliver pictures. Somehow, that doesn’t cut it.

Finally, I have a list I can recommend. Some covers acres of land, some a single bone, but all are amazing. See what you think:

  1. 360 Panorama of the world
  2. 3D Toads and more–animals, skeletons, etc (some for fee)
  3. British Houses of Parliament
  4. Google Expeditions
  5. Google World of Wonders
  6. Oceans–via Google Streetview
  7. Pompeii—via Google Earth
  8. Sistine Chapel
  9. Virtual Capitol
  10. Virtual Cockroach
  11. Virtual tour of America—via Biplane
  12. Virtual tours
  13. Virtual tour–undersea
  14. The White House (go to the White House on Google Earth, then zoom in until you’ve exploded through the walls to the interior. There, you’ll find a self-conducted virtual tour.

For future reference, you’ll find this list under Great Websites–Virtual Tours.

Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.

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10 thoughts on “14 Great Virtual Field Trips

  1. Pingback: 16 Great Virtual Field Trips | iCt, iPads en hoe word ik een ie-leraar? | Scoop.it

  2. Pingback: 16 Great Virtual Field Trips | Cyberteachers | Scoop.it

  3. Rox Kleinhaus

    Dear Jacqui – you feel like a best friend to me – I am a South African teacher – I was given the job at the beginning of the year to bring our intermediate computer room up a level. The Holy Spirit was kind in leading me to your site. Every post I get from you makes me smile with glee at the anticipation. Zeke has also been most kind in mentoring me.
    May you be abundantly blessed for sharing your extraordinary passion with me.
    The King’s School – Robinhills
    South Africa


    • You have made my day, Rox. You are so kind. Please–feel free to ask any questions. That’s my joy–helping others. God bless you and your mission.


  4. Mary Benesh-Zoeller

    Unrelated to your post but I have a question. We upgraded to Windows 7 and our labs that have virtual computers (Pano Logic) can not run Mivie Maker. Do you know of an acceptable alternative? Free or otherwise. Something children as young as 4th grade would have success with as well as something with advanced features for older students. Thank!!


    • I love Pinnacle. I’ve used it with 4th graders–no problem. It’s intuitive with a tad of guidance, much more so than Movie Maker. But, it isn’t free. Are you looking for free?


      • Wow what a great way to teach students with a more illustrated method compared to just text and a few pictures in a book! I am a teacher education student and in my instructional technology class we are beginning to learn all new innovative ways in which to teach your students. This is new to me. My kids are going to love your links! I cannot wait to show them!


  5. Nice to hear from you, Jessica. There are a lot of ‘virtual fieldtrips’ that aren’t that hot. This list has my favorites. I’m sure your students will have a great time with them. The forest one is stunning.


  6. Pingback: Week 2 blog | Jessica's Blog for Informational Technology K-12

  7. Pingback: Exploring the World~and Beyond!~with Virtual Field Trips

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